What is turkishceramics?



Turkey has a history of ceramic production reaching back thousands of years, from the primitive sculpture of prehistoric Anatolia to the ornaments and crockery of the Hitites and the ornate hand-painted tiles of Iznik. During the middle of the 20th Century, the era of mass-production began as Turkish ceramic producers built factories to manufacture ceramics on a large industrial scale. Since that time the quantity and quality of ceramics being produced in Turkey has continued to grow.

Turkishceramics was established in 1997 under the auspices of the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Economy with the support of the Central Anatolian Exporters Union and the Turkish Ceramics Federation. The group’s main goal is to raise awareness of the quality of Turkish ceramics around the world.

The group undertakes many activities to communicate to a global audience, from participating in trade fairs to organising design competitions, hosting exhibitions and trade missions. These events and activities are regularly published in some of the world’s most prestigious design magazines and journals.

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