From the homeland to the world

Land of Ceramics


Ceramics have always been a vital part of the Anatolian production tradition for 8000years. Turkish Ceramics Promotion Group strive at reestablishment of this asset of Turkey, announcing to the world the quality and design power of “Turkishceramics” as well.

The bright future of Turkish ceramics could already be seen many thousands of years ago and the process initiated in the mid20th century. But the long-waited grand breakthrough came in the year of 1997, when Turkish ceramics companies gathered to form the Turkish Ceramics Promotion Group, under the roof of Ministry of Economy and with the support of Central Anatolian Exporters Union and Turkish Ceramics Federation. The Promotion Group has set its main goal to raise a premium perception towards Turkishceramics. In this regard, a collective consciousness has been pursued from the beginning. After taking the initiatives in this direction, the Promotion Group functioned asdas a communicator among the participating Turkishceramics firms and this led to easing of the further steps to be taken.

The following and the actual motive of the founding of the Turkish Ceramics Promotion Group was to support branding activities abroad to give the main message that “Turkey is the land of ceramics” in order to communicate Turkish ceramics as a worldbrand.

The activities of the Turkish Ceramics Promotion Group include many successful events from participating in fairs to organizing events in many foreign countries. In addition, communication campaigns have been used in recent years in order to attract traffic to Turkish Ceramics’ stands at fairs and to increase awareness, create a brand image and ultimately boost the interest in the Turkish ceramics. The mass media communication campaigns have included. The message is, in short: “Turkey is the land of ceramics”.

Moreover, the brand of “Turkishceramics” was created, to be the main actor of the ads and editorials to be published in many important international magazines. To strengthen Turkishceramics’ global image, Turkish Ceramics Promotion Group continues participating in international fairs as “Turkishceramics” annually. Besides, elements of Turkish traditions such as Turkish breakfast and Turkish coffee are being promoted as well in order to increase the interest to Turkish culture and “Turkishceramics” booth. Furthermore, famous Turkish artists join the promotion efforts with their breathtaking performances during the international fairs, in order to increase the awareness of Turkish ceramics.

Source: Gulf News

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